Andrew, Angie, Austin, Audrey, Ainsley and Abraham the dog
"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. " Zephaniah 3:17
We had an opportunity to go to our lake house (that Andrew's parents so graciously allow us to call our own) in Granbury a few weekends ago. This is very easily becoming a place that is dear to us and we hope to make many more trips as the kids get older. It is already a place where we go to "escape" and many memories are being made. Love it!
Andrew's parents recently added on to our little cottage at the lake and for the first time ever these 2 munchkins slept side-by-side all night long. VERY exciting for us b/c now there is enough room for everyone to spread out. Mommy and Daddy even get a room all by ourselves! (hasn't been that way since we had kids.;) Don't they look so big in this pic?? Both were estatic about the new sleeping arrangements. (And they did great! :)
Sweet Ains now has a room all to herself which is wonderful. She is our kiddo that needs it to be dark and very quiet with sound machine noises only. She did great all night as well. :)
We woke up bright and early the next morning to go fishing. Austin got a cool Spiderman fishing pole for his birthday this year and he has been talking about fishing ever since. (I know that ains doesn't have a life vest on in this pic, but no worries - she was only there for a sec so that I could take a quick pic. :) I was just praying that we caught something that morning b/c Austin is the kind of kiddo that if he has one first not-so-great experience with something he doesn't want to do it again. (Something that we are working on.) We just wanted to badly for him to catch some thing. :)
Daddy made the 1st catch of the day.
Audrey was the 2nd. :) Way to go, girlie!
She wasn't too excited (and not in the best mood which we discovered later was mainly hunger:) about the whole waiting on this fish part and didn't quite get it. BUT her sweet little princess fishing pole caught a catfish! :)
Austin was next! It was so fun watching them catch one after another!
He was a very proud and excited boy. :)
THEN Austin caught a pretty good size catfish! So fun! I LOVE that he will always have this memory with his Daddy and Grandpa!
Here is the catfish caught with none other than his Spiderman fishing pole! What fun days!!
we love the Lord and our goal as a family is to glorify Him in all we do and say. we are on the go all the time, we love being ouside and going to the park, being at church, walking around the block, swimming, hanging out with friends and just spending time as a family
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