Andrew, Angie, Austin, Audrey, Ainsley and Abraham the dog
"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. " Zephaniah 3:17
Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary to our Grandma and Grandpa Werley!!
Andrew's dad and step mom celebrated in a big way this year. It was so fun to get all dressed up and head to the Ft. Worth Club for a fun night to celebrate their love and legacy thay are creating. We are so thankful for their lives and the impact they have had on us as individuals and as a family. I will warn you now that there are WAY too many pics in this post, but how can you deny these precious kiddos?!
Aren't they so adorable in thier party clothes??
I think I will let the rest of the pictures speak for themselves. :)
It was a wonderful night and as you can tell from the pictures, we had a great time!
I had the opportunity to attend a Beth Moore event towards the end of October in Houston with one of my dearest friends. It was a quick trip, but so rewarding and a wonderful time of encouragement and worship.
My sweet friend Mandy - this is definitely NOT the best pic. :) A HUGE thank you to our hubby's for giving us this girl time together and for knowing how important time like this is for moms with young kiddos. We are two blessed women for sure!
Ms. Beth - words can't describe how very thankful I am to this amazing woman for her ministry to women and for her being one of my main spiritual mentors from afar.
One of the most incredible parts of the evening was when ChristyNockels and her hubby led worship. Talk about an amazing worship experience!! Christy is another one of those women who through her music the Lord has used her over and over again to minister to my heart. Yeah for a truly wonderful night!!
We had a fun night travelling around with our friends trick or treating this year! Here are some pics of the night:
This is one of Audrey's sweet friends right now - Bella :)
And Ainsley with one of her sweet friends. These two are so cute together!
A group pic of some of the kiddos we were with and all their adorable costumes. Love these families in our home group! (Austin decided that he wanted to be Spider man again this year to trick or treat in instead of Buzz- he is more 'mysterious' that way. :)
Lightning McQueen and Spider man loved the Mr. Potato Head pumpkin - that 3 movies represented in one shot! ;)
We were all worn out by the end of the night and so thankful Halloween only comes once a year! The next day I 'sold' the movie Toy Story 3 to our kiddos for 70 pieces of candy. That's definitely one way to get rid of all the candy!!
Our church hosted A Pumpkin Pantry Party/Fall Festival this year with food, games, bounce houses, a hay ride, a fire truck and lots of small town living fun! ;) We also stuffed a jeep full of canned goods for our local food pantry. It was an awesome night where about 500 of our church members and people of the community came. Definitely a success!
Say hello to our Buzz Lightyear, Snow White and little Butterfly. :) All 3 were very excited about their costumes. I was planning on Ains being a princess as well, but as I was going through some of our old costumes she saw that butterfly outfit and had her mind set that was what she was wearing. (Even though it is a 6-12 month outfit!)
Such cuties!
The girls are having WAY more fun in this pic than brother. He just wanted to get to the church. :)
Daddy and his sweet pink butterfly
One of our fav babysitters/high school girls - Mer!
Audrey was so excited to see one of her friends as a Snow White as well!
Austin of course was loving the fire truck being there. Thanks Dan and Jeff!
Buzz ran around most of the night with with his favorite Super Man. :) It was a great night of fun!!
We have carved pumpkins with our kids for the last 2 years on our back porch on this little table. There was no way Austin was going to let us do anything different this year. It's like he wants to 'recreate' the experience each time with everyone in their places like he remembers doing what he remembers from the previous year. It is too cute and gives us such a view into his little personality. He doesn't like change and like to be in control...nope no other person and our family is like that AT ALL! ;)
Let the fun begin!
My 2 sweethearts
My 2 beauties
As you can see, the older two were very into it this year. :)
He was so excited about his new pumpkin friend and even wanted "Jack" to sleep with him that night. (Didn't happen!)
It was another evening of excitement around our house. So thankful entertainment comes easy (and cheap) these days! The day ended with Mommy and Daddy sitting on the couch enjoying some home made pumpkin pie that my amazing Hubby created. YUM!
We took the kiddos to the Dallas Arboretum this year because we heard there was an incredible display of of over 45,000 pumpkins and boy was there! It was the perfect spontaneous family day with beautiful fall weather, excited/happy children and not much stress at all. LOVE it when a day comes together like this one! Here are some pics of the day:
Our 3 adorable little pumpkins!
The next 3 pictures came from my mother-in-law and they are WAY better than I could ever take so I thought I would share what we saw:
Amazing, huh??
Love watching these two love on each other. It will never get old for me. :)
There was also a little petting zoo that this little girl had a blast in!
Audrey has just recently decided that posing for pictures is fun. :) She also loved everything about the arboretum. She wanted to stop and take pics beside every new type of flower she saw. She loves flowers! It was very cute.
Austin was trying to locate the biggest pumpkin he could find. He came close!
This picture makes me so happy and sums up the day for me! What a great day!
we love the Lord and our goal as a family is to glorify Him in all we do and say. we are on the go all the time, we love being ouside and going to the park, being at church, walking around the block, swimming, hanging out with friends and just spending time as a family