This was the title of a recent Beth Moore blog that I read. If you are not familiar with Beth Moore - she is an incredible godly woman and teacher of the Word and she has been a spiritual mentor to me for the past 15 years. If you have not done one of her Bible studies you truly are missing out! The Lord uses her in amazing ways to lead countless numbers of women! Anyways, I check out her blog daily and right before the new year she posted a challenge for other women to join her in making 2009 a Jesus-year by memorizing 24 scriptures throughout the year with her. I totally want this year to be more about Him and less of me and I have had a huge desire to be more disciplined in memorizing scripture and having His words constantly in my heart and mind. So, I have committed along with about 3000 other ladies to memorize 2 scriptures a month for the entire year. That sounds feasible doesn't it?! Let's face it, being a mother of 3 very small kiddos- I don't want to commit to something that in the end I really can't do at this stage in my life. I've gotten very frustrated with myself many times by saying 'yes' to too many things and then not being able to give 100% to each thing. I have learned (I hope:) to be a little bit more reasonable about what I can commit to and at the moment I am not feeling too overwhelmed. (BUT, the year has just started:)
I would love for anyone who wants to and who has been feeling the same type of conviction from the Lord to join me! Go to this link and it will tell you everything you need to do. On the 1st and 15th of each month we will begin to memorize a new scripture and I have decided to do the same scriptures that Beth memorizes each time. The 1st is Isaiah 33:6. So much fun! We can do this! We are commanded to hide His word in our hearts. We are in a spiritual battle every day and I don't know about you, but a lot of times I feel like I am going into this battle with only my pj's on if you know what I mean. Sometimes I just feel totally unequipped and beaten before I even get out of bed in the morning. This shouldn't be and I am determined with the Lord's strength to change it! Join me and watch what He does with your life and heart! Let me know if you are in! Thanks for reading!
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:21-23, NIV)
Track #2
2 days ago
that sounds doable!
and we are planning to come to austin's party, too. I've been meaning to call. It may just be Hudson and me but it may be all of us... depending on Ronny's grandparents... long story, I'll fill you in in person! :)
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