Our precious baby girl is now 4 months old and I truly am sitting here wondering where the time has gone already?! The days and nights just fly by and I am more thankful each day for the gift of motherhood. It is so challenging, isn't it? Yet more rewarding than anything I have ever experienced. Our God that we serve is so remarkable! Words can't describe. Okay, so back to our sweet Ainsley! :) She is such a happy and easy-going little girl! We all just sit around and try and make her smile because she has some of the deepest dimples and I have never seen someone "smile" so much with her whole face and eyes. It is a beautiful sight! She weighs around 13 pounds I would say (we go for our 4 month check up this Friday and I will get her official weight then) and she is very long. If I had to guess I would say that she will be the tallest of my three kiddos. Everyone says that she looks just like me (I would have to agree:) and it seems like she is going to keep her big blue eyes.
Ainsley's favorite things/people right now are definitely her brother and sister. She is watching their every move already! It is so amazing to watch the 3 of them "playing" as Ainsley lays on the ottoman or the floor. These are the times I will keep in my heart and mind forever! So precious hearing Austin and Audrey's sweet words to their baby sis as they hover over her and she just is cooing and awing over them. Ainsley is very interested in the whole rolling over thing and she has definitely found her hands. She hasn't taken to a pacifier like my other two. She would rather prefer the 2 fingers of her left hand which is fine with us. We are pretty much into a routine as far as naps, nursing and night time go (and today was the very first time she napped for like 30 minutes upstairs in her crib while Austin and Audrey were sleeping - I am worried that she will wake up, cry, and wake them up - so she usually naps downstairs.) We are always "making progress"! We still change a TON of diapers (even though Austin is VERY close to being potty trained - YEA!) and most people still don't know how we do it with 3 under 3, but the craziness has become our normal and we praise our Lord and Savior daily for our 3 amazing and energetic children!
The picture of the two of you together....you've got a mini-me! Just too cute for words!
In re-reading my comment, it would have sounded better if I'd said, "you've got your own mini-me". ;-)
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