"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. "
Zephaniah 3:17

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday - My Sister

Today my little sis got on a plane and flew to Virginia to begin a journey that she has waited so very long to take. She is about to become an IMB (International Mission Board) missionary through a program that they offer called Journey man. I have been an emotional basket case all day (because of her and b/c my hubby is in mediations right now regarding the future of FBC Anna's worship facility.) When I think about this incredible desire that Suzanne had as a jr. high student to go to a different country and serve the Lord and how she has waited oh so patiently on Him to send her out, I just tear up every time. If you have never had the privilege to meet my sis, I will tell you that she is one of the most AMAZING people in the WORLD and I know that I am more than blessed to have her as a sibling and a best friend. She has always been way wiser than her age and so mature, such a deep thinker about godly things and someone that people are just drawn to because of her integrity and character. She is one of the happiest/positive people I know with such a servant's heart. All she desires is to glorify God in all she does. (Seriously! She is this amazing!!:)

I am so anxious and excited about what the next year has in store for Suzanne. In a selfish way I totally don't want her to leave. I need her!! BUT I also know that the Lord has called her to serve Him in this way and who am I to try and stop it? I have full confidence that He will place her right where He desires for her to be and that He will use Suz in a mighty way for His kingdom. I am just so thankful that my sister is my very best friend and that we have more crazy and funny memories together than I can count. She has always been there for me. ALWAYS. And this weekend I will daily be on my knees as she is in Virginia taking her next steps in her journey with Him. I couldn't be more proud of my sweet sis! Will you join me in praying for Suzanne this weekend and in the months to come? Little sis - you are dearly loved!!


Jan said...

Wow! I can't wait to hear where she'll go. Keep us updated!

David M said...

I have always been so proud of Suzanne and her desire to follow His desire for her to go & serve wherever He leads her! Not only Suzanne, but also so proud of all three of you & your committment to His kingdom!!