Yep, my little sis is headed to Johannesburg, South Africa for the next two years of her life with a mission program called Journeyman. I won't lie and tell you that I didn't bawl my eyes out the day she found out where she was going. AFRICA??!! My first thoughts were so selfish like - "I am never going to see her again! - It's too far! - I will never be able to go and visit b/c the price of the round trip tickets is
unbelievably expensive! - Why so far away?" Then as time went on I was reminded over and over again how WORTHY the Lord is and if Africa is where He wants
Suz to serve Him, then Africa it is. I think I was so emotional because my little sis has felt this call/tug on her life since she was such a young kiddo and now she is finally going to go and do what He has called her to do and everything in her life has led up to and prepared her for this. I am so overwhelmed at the Lord's grace and timing. She is going to be amazing at ministering to the missionaries and people of Johannesburg. I have no doubt. What a gift she is going to be to those people! I can't wait to watch what God is going to do in and through her! I just wish she was going to be CLOSER! Here are some of
Suzanne's thoughts she put on
facebook through this journey:
March 9th - BIG Day friends!!! I got a phone call today inviting me to go to Lusaka Zambia!!!! I am overwhelmed by His goodness!! Once again, I can't emphasize my heart-filled gratitude for all of y'alls prayers!!!As far to when I will be leaving Pine Cove- I think that it will be beginning-middle of May and then I think that I will go live with my sister and her family (as y'all know leaving her and her precious kiddos will be the hardest to leave) and then orientation will be July 26-Sept 23 and I'm not sure when I would leave for Zambia- most likely beginning to middle of October, but not sure- it's TBA.Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a community to support, encourage, PRAY, and so many things more during this journey that's only beginning. Would love to share more individually, so call if you'd like, but that's all I know right now!Proclaiming that He gives and He gives and He gives, Suzanne
March 20th - I wanted to give everyone an update that there is a change of location of where I will be serving- I will now be in Johannesburg, South Africa- but doing the same job, the hospitality/guest house manager. My direct report wanted me to be close to medical care b/c I have asthma and even though it is very controlled/managed, he would rather be safe than sorry. I honestly was bummed when I first heard the news, b/c I was really excited about Zambia, but once I talked to Al, my direct report, I started getting real excited. Johannesburg is the hub of where all the support roles for Africa’s 800 missionaries at the IMB are located at (i.e. IT, administrative, etc.) and also where people will come for area conferences, so I will still be able to do what I come alive, if even more so, with my gifts in hospitality and helps. Everyone, the staff and their families, will live together on this compound, so I excited to have community of all ages. The Lord has been continuing to teach me surrender vs. entitlement and when this all started unfolding, I couldn’t help but think of Proverbs 16:9 and praise the Lord for His sovereignty, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Thank you once again for being a part of this journey with me- I am truly grateful.
LOVE you SIS and so very proud of you!! Just glad I don't have to say goodbye yet! ;)