"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. "
Zephaniah 3:17

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Lovin'

We have been having a blast this summer! We haven't done too much, but we are loving the warm weather and all the fun play groups and family outings. I haven't taken near as many pictures as I have wanted, but when managing 3 kiddos sometimes the camera just doesn't make it out of the bag. :) Here are some shots of the past month. Enjoy!

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Werley for the fun new stroller and matching outfits for the girls. I love these real smiles from Audrey! We just can't catch her beautiful smile too often on camera, but Daddy was extra funny this day! :)

With this face, you know he is going to get away with a lot! Too cute!

Another cute pic... the new stroller is a hit!

Ainsley with cousin Sophia at Lake Grandbury. These two are going to be best buds!

The best pic I could get on the 4th of July. We spent a wonderful weekend at the lake.

The latest pic of Ains standing up. No, she still isn't crawling, but I think we are slowly but surely making progress. Pray for her and for us as we navigate these unknown waters and for us not to worry too much about our sweet little girl.


David M said...

These pics are so great! All three have such wonderful smiles w/ really cute dimples!

Kelly said...

Hey Angie. Just wanted to comment about Ainsley's not crawling. My BF from college has a little girl that had "low muscle tone". She didn't crawl, no walking, wouldn't even bear weight on her legs....they did physical therapy with her for awhile and now she is 4 and TOTALLY fine. Runs, jumps, plays, etc. They had some testing done to check some different muscle things all were fine. So i don't know, just wanted to pass that on. Since she's standing that is a very good thing. You may just want to ask your doc about what "low muscle tone" is and if PT would help? Hope thats ok I shared that, just learning from experience.