We are so thrilled to announce that Ainsley at the age of 19 1/2 months took her first steps this week!! It has been quite a journey getting our sweet little girl to walk (she didn't even start crawling until 14 months old) and some days we honestly wondered if she would ever get to this stage. It has been such a fun week for our family all cheering Ainsley on in her new fun talent (watch the video below. :) Here are also some fun pictures from the day after she opened up this new world of discovery.This is a pic of the night she took her first steps. She actually was sick and running fever all day that day, but she was motivated and we went for it! :)
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us during the last 6 months. Ainsley's physical therapist kept telling us that walking was going to have to be her idea to get up and walk and she was going to do it in her own timing. (Boy, was she right!!) We are just thrilled that we are moving forward and the anxiety of this for our little girl is over. Ainsley, here's to many more adventures and discoveries!! We love you so much and are sooo proud of you!!